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The Total Modern Time on Fashion 2008

In the time in the modern era at this time, almost anyone was asked to be able to play and control their role personally. Starting from when the style and the method dressed, the choice of shoes, the hair order, all assesories that adhered to be put on, musical appetite, through to to to the choice of the vehicle that was the characteristics/the identity or the identity himself someone.
It seems already usual was known by us, if the person tended to make the impression first when meeting someone who just was known usually through his appearance.
It could be said that if this person had a neat appearance then personal him was also good, even so conversely. Although not all the first impressions 100% true, but might be counted “principle” this was current for most people. We then had the right to choose the appearance and the style like what we want to put forward that in accordance with the character and our identity respectively through what and whoever was seen by us in the everyday life.
All the matters that were seen through the appearance, from the clothed style, the choice of shoes, the hair order, as well as accesories, the choice of the motor vehicle and results of his modification and no longer as the appearance, but showed to the community that currently the globalisation era really plays a big role in the spreading of the style and the appearance all through the aspect of the life of humankind.
